Actor Drake Hogestyn, known for his iconic role on "Days of Our Lives," passed away just one day before his 71st birthday. The beloved star, who had appeared in...
"Saturday Night Live" kicked off its 50th season this weekend with an episode packed with references to the upcoming elections. Actress and comedian Maya...
Minnesota's Governor has captivated the internet's attention, redefining how Democrats view Republicans: as peculiar. Tim Walz's viral clip has even garnered him consideration for...
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has claimed responsibility for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, stating that he was killed by...
Former White House business advisor Peter Navarro, who worked as an advisor to President Donald Trump, voluntarily incarcerated himself in a federal prison in...
Actor Drake Hogestyn, known for his iconic role on "Days of Our Lives," passed away just one day before his 71st birthday. The beloved star, who had appeared in...
"Saturday Night Live" kicked off its 50th season this weekend with an episode packed with references to the upcoming elections. Actress and comedian Maya...