Daily Consumption of 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar Linked to Weight Loss

Daily Consumption of 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar Linked to Weight Loss

Crafted from the essence of ripe apples, apple cider vinegar makes for a delightful base for salad dressings. However, recent studies suggest that it can also aid in weight loss and improve digestive health.

Researchers found that individuals who consumed 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily experienced reductions in body weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and waist circumference.

They also observed improvements in digestion markers such as glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels.

Published on March 12th in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health

The study aimed to explore whether apple cider vinegar could promote weight loss:

The study included 120 adolescents and  youthful grown-ups( aged 12 to 25 times) from Lebanon, who were fat or fat. . Approximately two-thirds of the participants were female. Most did not engage in regular exercise.

None of the participants were taking medications. Apple cider vinegar in large doses can interact with medications such as digoxin, insulin, diabetes medications, and diuretics (water pills).

Apple cider vinegar, like fruit juices and soda, can also potentially damage tooth enamel.

Participants were randomly assigned to consume apple cider vinegar (5, 10, or 15 milliliters) or lactic acid – both mixed with 1 cup of water – three times a day for 12 weeks. Participants were unaware of which beverage they received.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which gives it a sharp taste and pungent odor. It also contains other compounds like polyphenols, which may provide additional health benefits beyond acetic acid.

In the study, researchers used lactic acid or placebo as comparators, as they have a similar taste and appearance to apple cider vinegar.

Participants consumed their assigned drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The goal was to minimize potential effects of simultaneous food consumption on study outcomes.

Participants also recorded their daily food intake and physical activity in a food diary.

Before, during, and after the 4, 8, and 12-week study periods, researchers measured participants’ height, weight, waist circumference, and body fat. They also collected blood samples from each participant to measure glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels.

Those who consumed apple cider vinegar lost an average of 15 pounds over 12 weeks:

Researchers found that participants who drank apple cider vinegar daily experienced reductions in body weight and BMI compared to the initial study period at 4, 8, and 12 weeks.

The most significant changes in weight were seen in those who consumed 10 or 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar per day. They lost an average of 15 pounds over 12 weeks.

Participants who consumed apple cider vinegar also experienced reductions in waist circumference and body fat, with similar changes observed across all three groups. This was only true at weeks 8 and 12, not at week 4.

Additionally, those who consumed apple cider vinegar saw improvements in digestive markers. Compared to the initial study period, their blood sugar levels decreased at 4, 8, and 12 weeks, and triglycerides and total cholesterol decreased at 8 and 12 weeks.

A dose of 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks was the most effective in reducing these blood markers.

In contrast, the placebo group lost less than 1 pound on average over 12 weeks and did not see significant changes in other measures of health or digestion.

None of the study participants reported any negative side effects from consuming apple cider vinegar.

Researchers also found no differences in participants’ diet and physical activity between the apple cider vinegar and placebo groups. This suggests that changes in body measurements and blood markers were due to the consumption of apple cider vinegar.

Dr. Amy Lee, Chief of Nutrition at EntirelyNourished.com and a registered dietitian specializing in heart health, agrees that apple cider vinegar is not a “magic bullet.”

“[Apple cider vinegar] should be taken in conjunction with overall dietary and physical activity changes, as well as stress and sleep management,” she says.

She also warns that the study only included 120 participants, so the results may not be applicable to the general population.

Lee tells Healthline, “Nutrition-based trials are often challenging because we have to account for individuals’ personal digestion, as well as stress and environmental factors that can influence behavior and, ultimately, how calories are burned.”

How Apple Cider Vinegar May Affect Hunger:

The authors note that the findings of the new study are consistent with previous research, which found similar benefits from consuming 15 or 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar daily.

However, the exact mechanism by which apple cider vinegar affects body measurements and digestive health is not fully understood.

Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar, or its individual components, can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It may also slow the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which can improve heart health.

The authors write that taking apple cider vinegar before meals may reduce hunger and increase satiety, as well as have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity and cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

However, some studies suggest that feelings of satiety after vinegar consumption may be due more to discomfort and nausea than direct appetite-suppressing effects.

Lee tells Healthline, “The mechanism of action of apple cider vinegar’s activity can alter the way a person handles food and, ultimately, if taken consistently, can lead to weight loss.”

Considering the results of such research, “there’s nothing wrong with taking something like apple cider vinegar,” she says, “but someone should be aware that changing overall dietary intake and lifestyle changes are necessary for successful weight loss.”


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